“If each one could reach one then each one would teach one, what a much more beautiful nation Nigeria will be. Whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not, you are your sister and your brothers’ keeper.
These word on marble from Charles Bruce Chukuma, aka Chaz B of blessed Memory – best describe our heart and intent at Triple-T Charity Outreach Unit.
Own Your Own by Triple-T Premium Estate, is all about touching lives positively, and we do this in more ways than one.
Starting this yuletide season our charity outreach team put together a visit to one of the camps housing internally displaced persons, seeking refuge in Abuja from the onslaught of terrorist and other forms of violence in some parts of North Eastern Nigeria.
As a socially responsible and responsive organization -our visit was not just to share food items and other much-needed supplies, but it was also an opportunity to bring news of good tidings, share time with members of this community, and letting them know they are not forgotten.
Nigerians do care, our hearts, prayers, and support are with them even as the Nigerian federal government work relentlessly to return normalcy, peace and secure the entire North Eastern Nigeria so they can go back to their homes.
We enjoin other corporate organization and indeed every Nigerians to always continue to lend a helping hand to those in need because we believe “every little help’s”, and indeed we are land of “good people, and a great nation “