“I thought i might not stand a chance, but i got inspired and decided to try my luck” A story of believing in yourself

Eight Winner’s Story Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection, and devotion. A time for dawn to dusk fasting, and nightly feasts. A time of intense prayer and worship for Allah’s blessings and protection. A time when Mr. Husein Mustapha, a devoted Imam became our 8th winner in the Own Your Own promotion. Married with…

“I just bought my tickets and I prayed over it” An Inspiring Story

Sixth Draw, Winner’s Story. As the saying goes “after rain comes sunshine” for behind every dark cloud the sun always still shines,this was definitely the case for Mr. Michael Uyah, a young man who trades in timber at the Dei-Dei timber market in Abuja, he had just been bereaved of his mother and after the…

Touching Lives

Our vision is touching lives, one winner, one house at a time. Using a unique approach that puts the power of owning real estate in the hands of those who need it the most. Opening up access to 100% home ownership and giving everyone a chance at owning a decent home regardless of class or social status.  At all…

Touching Lives,Each One,Reach One – Our Benevolent Outreach

“If each one could reach one then each one would teach one, what a much more beautiful nation Nigeria will be. Whether you like it or not, whether you know it or not, you are your sister and your brothers’ keeper.  These word on marble from Charles Bruce Chukuma, aka Chaz B of blessed Memory…